Story a Month club

Irene Howat’s Story-a-Month Club introduces seven to thirteen-year-olds to real heroes and heroines, men and women who started life as ordinary children, but who grew up to be used by God in interesting, courageous and life-changing ways. It aims to set imaginations on fire. People such as the world renowned scientist James Clerk Maxwell and the missionary Mary Slessor are included.

None of those whose stories are told are perfect, but all are inspirational. None are glitzy, but all are truly great.

The web-based Club’s annual subscription is £12, however many children are in a family. On the first of each month members will receive their new story by email along with the same story in pictures to be coloured and an activity sheet based on that month’s character. If provided with an A4 folder, they can make their own totally unique illustrated books of heroes and heroines. Members will also be sent a birthday greeting.

Find out more at the Story-A-Month club website.