Prepare Enrich – Marriage Programme

Smithton-Culloden are offering a programme called Prepare Enrich to help prepare couples for marriage but also, as the name suggests, to enrich existing marriages, a kind of MOT for couples.

Research from Seddons the solicitors, in their Separation Regrets Survey, shows that those experiencing separation (either from marriage or a cohabiting relationship) primarily wished they had known:
– The kinds of difficulties couples experience (28%)
– How relationships grow and develop over time (28%)
– More about each other’s characters, values, or interests (35%)
– More effective communication (24%)
– More constructive handling of disagreements (20%)

84% of respondents did not have relationship education – for two main reasons – they never thought about it (44%), and/or they didn’t know there were such courses (37%).

These are just the sort of things that are dealt with in the discussion sessions.
Couples are first invited to meet the counsellors for a coffee and a chat to explain how it works and to see if it is for them. If they think it is, then they will fill in the questionnaire (online or as a paper copy) and they will have the next meeting over a meal where we will start the discussion process based on the results of their questionnaire. There will then be a further three or four meetings as the couple work through any issues that arise.

There is a £25 fee to cover administration costs which the couple pay but they get a few good meals out of it!

The programme website can be found at which fills in more of the basics.

Please contact Laurie and Tina Chancellor or Ali MacDonald for further information.