Happy New Year!

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  2016 will probably flyby just as quickly as 2015 and we hope that you can come and visit us.  You can plan a visit by following the button below or if you want to speak to us click the ‘contact us’ button.  It really is that easy!

Planning a visit and contacting us is great but how can we connect with you in 2016?  Well there are numerous groups on during the week – catering for tiny tots to the more seasoned veterans amongst us!  Connect here and see all that is happening at Smithton Church.

Our blog on Wednesday discussed New Year’s Resolutions and what questions we should ask as we look to change.  Well how about starting 2016 of by reading the following article?

5 Reasons to Read the Entire Bible in 2016‘ encourages us to see the big picture of the Bible, allows us to connect the dots between Old and New Testaments and to see Jesus throughout!