Sunday at Smithton

This Sunday we’ve saved a seat for you!

Smithton Church is a place where God meets normal people.  Anyone is welcome, no matter what’s going on in your life.  The services are at 11am and in the evening at 6pm.  This week we have a young student, Ali Sewell with us as our preacher.  Ali currently works at Christ Church, Edinburgh while studying at Edinburgh Theological Seminary as a candidate for the Free Church.

After the Christmas and New Year break the church activities are back as normal this coming week.  For a full rundown of activities come and visit our Connect page here.

Our first session of ‘The world we all want’ is this Sunday (10th January) starting at 9am with breakfast to get everything started.

Each of us is looking for something more every hour of every day but finding our place in the world seems more and more complex.  Over the next 7 weeks, here at Smithton, we are going to be looking at, “finding your place in the the Bible’s big story”.

If you would like more information about the course then contact Ali, our family worker here.

On Wednesday evening, we are back in our Community Groups.  There are 8 dotted around town and if you would like to join one for the first time please phone the office (01463 793191) and we will link you into a group. These small groups meet in various homes and are a great way of meeting other Christians as we discuss a passage in the bible.